Our method.
I Rise exists to promote economic justice for survivors of violence and exploitation through creating supportive partnerships and a pathway to financial independence and upward mobility. We believe that to create lasting change, injustices must be addressed at a micro, mezzo, and macro level.
We achieve this through our three-pronged approach:

Support on the personal level: Workforce Development Program
To support women who have survived violence and exploitation—and the unique barriers they face—the workforce development program includes a 4-week training program, wraparound case management services, and a business collaborative comprised of business owners and operators committed to being a part of the solution.

Support on the community level: Survivor Network
Peer support has been found to increase self-esteem and confidence, a sense of control and ability to bring about change in one’s life, a sense of empowerment, hope and inspiration, empathy and acceptance, engagement in self-care and wellness, and sense of social support and social functioning (SAMHSA, 2017). I Rise connects survivors together through survivor-led peer networks to contribute to overall health, well-being, healing and growth.

Support on the systems level: Community Collaborative
I Rise brings the community together to support the fight against violence and exploitation through training, prevention, systems change, and supporting ongoing anti-trafficking initiatives.